The Deployment


Jon Paul Davis

Pops, JP, or Dad. These are just a few of the names my father goes by. Some of you might be asking, "Jon, to what are we celebrating that your father would be the sole point and topic of this blog?" Well, my father has turned the big 50. So, to bring honor to my father I am going to list some reasons as to why my father is off the chain.

1. My father is an excellent provider. He consistently brought home the bacon and taught me the importance of doing the same.

2. My father is a jack of all trades. From vehicle maintenance and lawn care to plumbing repair and christmas tree light hanging, my father had the skills.

3. My father is a Game Warden by profession. I mean who else gets to pack a Glock .40cal to be able to enforce punks who like to poach deer in the off season. That is just cool.

My father is my father. I wouldn't have it any other way. My life has been incredibly impacted by his influence. He has shown me how much of an influence I will have in the life of my daughter.

My dad is incredible and I deeply enjoy our relationship that we have. I am looking to keep growing and knowing my father more and more.

Jon Allen=25 yrs old. Jon Paul=50 yrs old


Dust Storm

About a week ago I am pretty sure we went through our first dust major dust storm. We have had some minor blowings of dust since we have been here but you have always been able to see. There would be a light haze on the horizon, but for the most part you still had visibility.

This storm on the other hand was something different.
A buddy of mine and I were walking back to the barracks and I just happened to look back and all we could see was this giant brown wall cloud moving right toward our base. At first I thought we were going to outrun it to our barracks but I soon realized that it was moving at a pretty good clip. It was a unique experience because there was the "calm before the storm" thing that happened. Right up until the wall cloud overtook us there was no wind, dust, light debris, nothing. Right when it caught us there was rain, dust, major wind, and I even heard accounts of hail. I am not sure about that, it is just what I heard. I wish I had my camera so I could have made a video file of the storm coming and then overtaking us. But alas, all I have are two pics from our barracks front door and balcony.
The craziest thing was that no sooner than it started it was over. The most noticed after effect was the dusty haze that lingered in our barracks and the light coat of dust on our things in the barracks. Definately an experience to remember.


Dave The Horn Guy

Dave is a horn guy. Dave plays horns. Check him out. Dave has a pretty kickin' promo video. Make sure you look at that. Dave the Horn Guy.

My Beloved Daughter

Please enjoy the sweetness that is Rebekah Brooke.

Hosea, Isaiah, Before Nehemiah, Oh My!

Recently I have made a decision. Well, actually it was a decision made at the goading of some divine inspiration, but a decision none the less. I am going to read through the old testament. I know this sounds like a lame decision to be made but I am pretty stoked about it. *the forthcoming sentence is rather embarrassing for me to admit* See, I have never read through the entire old testament. I have read some books, but not all. Whenever I have tried to read through the old testament I have always tried the "Genesis to Malachi" approach to it. I usually peter out somewhere around Joshua. Then I feel bad for quitting and moving on to something else. I then remember what I wanted to do, which is read through the old testament, but something inside of me says that I need to do it all from beginning to end, straight through, or it doesn't really count. So I go back. Start in Genesis, again. And then don't make it all the way through, again.

I like history. I was fairly decent at it in school. Dates, places, people the whole works always interested me. I finished Hosea the other day and finished the book a little confused. Not at the content of what Hosea was writing about (an excellent book on God's eternal and unfailing love for His bride) but at the placement of the book concerning the chronology of scripture. Hosea is towards the end of the old testament, yet he is talking about the forthcoming exile of God's chosen people, the Hebrews.

As the confusion and discombobulation passed, the inspiration came. "Jon, you like history. Why don't you study some old testament history and learn of my chosen people. You might even be able to read through the old testament in chronological order and get a full feel for what is being said in scripture. Oh, and this time don't be a quitter."

*The writer of this blog would like two things to be known: 1. No, God didn't really call me a quitter. 2. The above quotes do not imply that I heard the actual voice of God. Thank you for reading my small font type attempt at being humorous*

So, starting off on this journey, I double-clicked Firefox, Googled "old testament timeline", and the adventure began. I found out that Hosea was actually written around the time of Isaiah, and the puzzle pieces started to take place. And yes mom, it took me 25 years to come to this place.

In total disregard of the above mentioned thought process, I started reading the book of Nehemiah. And I am glad I did. Incredible book. I will be writing more later on what I have come across in my readings, general thoughts, and insights. If you are looking for some fresh insight from a man chasing hard after God, you need to get your Nehemiah read on.