The Deployment


Working It

Ahh...good ole Mississippi. The weather has been pretty ridiculous down here. The other day we were outside at the temp was 91, heat index of 96 w/ 50% humidity. Goo.

Anyways...the training has been awesome, we did land navigation the other day. Pretty important. If i get lost it teaches us how to use the terrain features, maps, compass, and the such to navigate. The only thing is in the desert there are no real terrain features...mmmm...I guess I will tackle that prob when I get there.

I would like some prayer. There is another soldier in my unit that I believe is a recent christian and I have been able to talk to him some. He is interested in doing some bible study type of stuff. Pray for him to grow in his relationship with Jesus.

I have some training pics up on the site check them out.

God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him

jon davis jowler. Posted by Hello

hannibal...? Posted by Hello

chillin' in the barracks Posted by Hello


Starting the Adventure

The start of it all:

This is the first blog entry for Sgt. Jonathan Davis. I am in the eartly stages of my mobilization here at Mob Center Camp Shelby, MS. I have been pretty busy with a bunch of training. Doing stuff like nuclear:biological:chemical training, first aid, land navigation, and the general getting whipped into shape that comes with the military. If you have anything of interest for me (like what is happening in your world) let me know please.

I am hopping this will be an easier way (possibly) of keeping you informed and getting to know what is happening with you all.

For the Glory of Jesus Christ