Welcome Back...But I Am Definately Not Kotter
Yes. Yes it is true. It is yours truly re-entering the blogging world. There is this great thing in the world that has made its way to Iraq. This great thing is satellite internet. I never thought I would be able to sit in my barracks and surf the web. It completely blows me away. Maybe like it is blowing you away that I have actually updated my blog since mid August. Goo.
Well, I have done many a thing since mid August. So instead of bringing on the boredom of the 3 month plus catch up I thought I would amuse with some random musings running through my head at the moment. Warning: It is late at night and I am very tired.
Thinking about the Welcome Back Kotter reference has got me thinking about everyone's favorite teacher Gabe Kaplan. Mainly ol' Gabe has been running through my head because he sports one fine caucasian afro. The fro has me firmly entranced. Honestly I didn't even know who this mega tv star was that played Kotter on the series. I found out through the very informative Jerry Seinfeld. I was watching Seifeld on DVD and he made some reference to Gabe Kaplan and the joke rolled right off me. Then the next day I was reading a magazine that had an article about the Gabester. Once I made the Kotter/Kaplan connection the Seinfeld joke turned out to be one of his best jokes during that episode. Hmm. Very wierd.
The Kotter show also introduced to us a very young John Travolta. I mean come on. Who could resist the charm of the Sweathogs? John we still love you and always have.
"Vinny is looking at me?"
"Oh, how can I resist that look. Please Vinny. Stop it some more."
Enough Kotter flashbacks. It is definately good to be back.
Well, I have done many a thing since mid August. So instead of bringing on the boredom of the 3 month plus catch up I thought I would amuse with some random musings running through my head at the moment. Warning: It is late at night and I am very tired.
Thinking about the Welcome Back Kotter reference has got me thinking about everyone's favorite teacher Gabe Kaplan. Mainly ol' Gabe has been running through my head because he sports one fine caucasian afro. The fro has me firmly entranced. Honestly I didn't even know who this mega tv star was that played Kotter on the series. I found out through the very informative Jerry Seinfeld. I was watching Seifeld on DVD and he made some reference to Gabe Kaplan and the joke rolled right off me. Then the next day I was reading a magazine that had an article about the Gabester. Once I made the Kotter/Kaplan connection the Seinfeld joke turned out to be one of his best jokes during that episode. Hmm. Very wierd.
The Kotter show also introduced to us a very young John Travolta. I mean come on. Who could resist the charm of the Sweathogs? John we still love you and always have.
"Vinny is looking at me?"
"Oh, how can I resist that look. Please Vinny. Stop it some more."
Enough Kotter flashbacks. It is definately good to be back.
Glad to have you back. I have checked your blog each day waiting for your return. I knew you'd come back. I just knew it.
Chase Abner, at 6:57 PM
Relevant, thank you for patiently waiting for my return. For your faithfulness you will be rewarded with many more wonderings and thinkings of this G.I.
Jonathan Davis, at 10:21 AM
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